Minggu, 23 Maret 2014

Kata Irreguler Verbs

Abide Abode/Abided Abode/Abided/Abidden Abides Abiding
Alight Alit/Alighted Alit/Alighted Alights Alighting
Arise Arose Arisen Arises Arising
Awake Awoke Awoken Awakes Awaking
Be Was/Were Been Is Being
Bear Bore Born/Borne Bears Bearing
Beat Beat Beaten Beats Beating
Become Became Become Becomes Becoming
Begin Began Begun Begins Beginning
Behold Beheld Beheld Beholds Beholding
Bend Bent Bent Bends Bending
Bet Bet Bet Bets Betting
Bid Bade Bidden Bids Bidding
Bid Bid Bid Bids Bidding
Bind Bound Bound Binds Binding
Bite Bit Bitten Bites Biting
Bleed Bled Bled Bleeds Bleeding
Blow Blew Blown Blows Blowing
Break Broke Broken Breaks Breaking
Breed Bred Bred Breeds Breeding
Bring Brought Brought Brings Bringing
Broadcast Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcast/Broadcasted Broadcasts Broadcasting
Build Built Built Builds Building
Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned Burns Burning
Burst Burst Burst Bursts Bursting
Bust Bust Bust Busts Busting
Buy Bought Bought Buys Buying
Cast Cast Cast Casts Casting
Catch Caught Caught Catches Catching
Choose Chose Chosen Chooses Choosing
Clap Clapped/Clapt Clapped/Clapt Claps Clapping
Cling Clung Clung Clings Clinging
Clothe Clad/Clothed Clad/Clothed Clothes Clothing
Come Came Come Comes Coming
Cost Cost Cost Costs Costing
Creep Crept Crept Creeps Creeping
Cut Cut Cut Cuts Cutting
Dare Dared/Durst Dared Dares Daring
Deal Dealt Dealt Deals Dealing
Dig Dug Dug Digs Digging
Dive Dived/Dove Dived Dives Diving
Do Did Done Does Doing
Draw Drew Drawn Draws Drawing
Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed Dreams Dreaming
Drink Drank Drunk Drinks Drinking
Drive Drove Driven Drives Driving
Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Dwells Dwelling
Eat Ate Eaten Eats Eating
Fall Fell Fallen Falls Falling
Feed Fed Fed Feeds Feeding
Feel Felt Felt Feels Feeling
Fight Fought Fought Fights Fighting
Find Found Found Finds Finding
Fit Fit/Fitted Fit/Fitted Fits Fitting
Flee Fled Fled Flees Fleeing
Fling Flung Flung Flings Flinging
Fly Flew Flown Flies Flying
Forbid Forbade/Forbad Forbidden Forbids Forbidding
Forecast Forecast/Forecasted Forecast/Forecasted Forecasts Forecasting
Foresee Foresaw Foreseen Foresees Foreseeing
Foretell Foretold Foretold Foretells Foretelling
Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgets Foregetting
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Forgives Forgiving
Forsake Forsook Forsaken Forsakes Forsaking
Freeze Froze Frozen Freezes Freezing
Frostbite Frostbit Frostbitten Frostbites Frostbiting
Get Got Got/Gotten Gets Getting
Give Gave Given Gives Giving
Go Went Gone/Been Goes Going
Grind Ground Ground Grinds Grinding
Grow Grew Grown Grows Growing
Handwrite Handwrote Handwritten Handwrites Handwriting
Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged Hangs Hanging
Have Had Had Has Having
Hear Heard Heard Hears Hearing
Hide Hid Hidden Hides Hiding
Hit Hit Hit Hits Hitting
Hold Held Held Holds Holding
Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurts Hurting
Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Inlays Inlaying
Input Input/Inputted Input/Inputted Inputs Inputting
Interlay Interlaid Interlaid Interlays Interlaying

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